The original Evapoway™ Electric Condensate Evaporator Pan takes advantage of a traditional style element design that can reliably supply high wattage suitable for non-low flash point refrigerants. When activated by the float switch, the heating element with a wattage range from 200 watts to 3000 watts will provide the required heat into the application to eliminate condensation water.
Available in 10 separate pan series with various models in each series including options for mounting and cord sets, the condensate evaporators can dissipate anywhere from 1.5 to 24 gallons of water per day. Our Evapoway™ units are manufactured in a variety of sizes and capacities to accommodate all your application needs.
The original pan is designed to positively evaporate condensation water where no drain line is available. Evapoway™ units are used in many locations, including commercial refrigeration units, elevators and HVAC units.
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